Respiratory problems are connected with Hearth and Throat Chakra. Asanas which focus on opening chest are generally good to improve your respiratory health. Those with mild respiratory problems can add cardio exercise which induces fast breathing. This will help improve their breathing function.

Asana Sequence

  1. Warm up (joint movements)
  2. Surya Namaskar
  1. Yoga Poses

Standing poses

a. Tadasana

b. Ardha Chakrasana

c. Parshva chakrasana

d. Parivrtta Trikonasana

e. Warrior pose I

f. Parsvakonasana


g. Yoga Mudrasana

h. Supta Vajrasana 

i. Bridge Pose 

j. Vakrasana

k. Ardha matsyendrasana

l. Paschimottanasana

m. Ushtrasana

n. Gomukhasana

Prone: All

o. Bhujangasana

p. Salabhasana

q. Dhanurasana

r. Child pose


s. Supta Pawanmukhatasana

t. Sarvangasana

u. Matsyasana 

v. Halasana
(Note: Breathing should not stop. Do not overstretch neck or abdomen.)

w. Chakrasana

x. Lumbar stretch (Markatasana)

y. Shavasana

Concerned Chakra:

Anahata and Throat Chakra

4. Mudras:

Linga mudra (10 mins) no Thumb up for females (Increases heat)
Yoni mudra

Padma mudra
Anjali mudra
Shankha mudra with Aum chantingAkash mudra

5. Activities:

  1. Heart (Anahata) Chakra balancing: Tree hugging, maintaining a gratitude journal, spending time with people you love, pets, caring for self and others, developing a feeling of love, gardening, forgiving, play music, instruments,  etc.
  2. Throat (Vishubdha) Chakra balancing: Self-expression, star gazing, singing

6. Pranayama: All heat producing pranayama are good for respiratory problems

  1. Kapalbhati
  2. Bhastrika
  3. Surya bhedan (only for Asthma) – Inhale exhale through right nostril
  4. Ujjayi
  5. Bhramari

7. Bandhas: No Bandhas

8. Mantras: 

  1. ‘Yum’ mantra chanting
  2. ‘Hum’ mantra chanting
  3. ‘Aum’ chanting

9. Shatkarma: Frequency depends on intensity of asthama

  1. Vaman Dhauti (Every month) 
  2. Shankha Prakshalan (Once every 3-5 months)
  3. Jal Neti (Every week)
  4. Suta Neti (Every week)

10. Diet:

  1. Fresh fruits, salads, sprouts and vegetables. Eating raw vegetables reduces mucus
  2. Lunch should be initiated with salads
  3. Avoid rice, avoid fried, salty food, avoid curd
  4. Drink hot Soups
  5. Drink honey, lemon and lukewarm water in the morning
  6. Drink water only when thirsty and try to drink lukewarm water  

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